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Get to Know our Congregation Better

Our Beginning 

The Carriage Oaks congregation has had a long and fruitful existence in Bossier City. Before moving to our present location at 5661 Shed Road in 1991, the congregation was located on Bennet Street in downtown Bossier. Our primary mission has always been that which was given by Jesus Himself - to, "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:18-20).


We have 2 elders, Carl and Erwin who are shepherds or overseers of the congregation and serve under the headship of Christ according to the New Testament (1 Timothy 3:1-8). We have 3 men that serve under the elders as deacons, Billy, Jason, and Richard. Our preacher, Parker Webster, has a style of preaching is very easy to understand. You will appreciate how Parker takes God's word from the bible and gives simple applications of how we can apply it in our everyday lives.

At Carriage Oaks church of Christ you will find a group of Christians with strong family values and a common love for one another and God. We are truly blessed with the amount of youth in our congregation. We have sound youth programs implemented (bible fit, Lad 2 Leaders) for our children to participate in from pre-school to high school. These progrmas will certainly aid them in their spiritul growth. If you are looking for a church home for you or your family please join us for worship. 

Our Beliefs

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We seek to align all that we do around what it says (Psa. 119:105). We use the Bible alone to decide how we live, worship, and please God. We do not use creed books or confessionals to determine what God's word says.

We belive that Salvation is found in Jesus and His gospel (Acts 4:12). The way we develop a relationship with Jesus is by learning of Him (Matt. 11:29) and obeying his commands (John 14:15). Once we have turned from sin and confessed our faith before men, we obey Jesus and obtain salvation through baptism (Rom. 6, Acts 2:38).

We believe that worship must be conducted in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We do not use instruments in accompaniment with our singing, but rather we sing Acapella as the early church did (Col. 3:16). We partake of the Lord's Supper every week, and we take up a collection to support the work of the kingdom of God.

Image by Ben White
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